So could we start with you briefly introducing yourself?
Thank you. That's a good topic.So firstly, I think very, it's very important to answer the question. So why you are doing, art and why are you going to the studio or what, why then just, it can be very general, uh, why you chose them to do this?
Okay. No, no, you answered good. Basically what I wanted you to say with this question. Because you do art because you enjoy it and because you want to do it, that's it, you know, and then also what you just said to in my own experience, I guess this negativity comes from...fearing the, what you just mentioned, the end goal and the result of some sorts and, uh, where the process should be.
Uh, of course not should, but could be more important maybe itself, you know? So, uh, there are a few things here. What I could, uh, What I did for myself on that previous performance. And I could, we could do it now like this. Uh Hmm. I'll have to say, so the policy, is it the exercises or the law of attraction a bit.
So how would you then describe the, kind of the idea case when you go there to the studio and you work without this? Uh, self-sabotage without fear of. Uh, not finishing things without fear of making decisions without, uh, feeling that you are. Yeah. He was in your time in a negative way. So what would it be the ideal case for your, could you describe it?
You here? Uh, yes, what's good. I think, but the, you described, so they are not something like a undoable. They're very realistic, you know? So this is already good, I think, but yeah. I was watching this video about coaching. Like sometimes it's some time ago and there they were, there had a very trivial example.
There was this woman. She. Um, had a small jewelry business and she was talking something about necklaces or something. It was really bizarre, like all the conversation they had, but then this coach, she had like basically the, uh, business woman, she had like very similar struggles that you wanted to do so many things, you know, but she didn't know how to do it.
And she was not doing anything in the end. And then this coach was like, I dunno, what was her name like Jacqueline? How many things can you do at once? And she was like only one and that's actually, I thought this is so stupid, but it makes so much sense because I, you know, uh, I also, for example, myself, I tend to think about like very big goals.
Now I want to like do this and this and this. And I want to be already like, uh, I already want to have like good. I don't know, I come up, I want to be like a great performance artists. I don't want to even do things to become it. I want to already be it. And, you know, and say, I'm like, I'm not doing anything in the end when everything it's a combination of many small steps, you know?
So it, I think really fits for you just constantly. I think maybe to remember. That you can do only one thing at once and, Oh, you can write on the wall, uh, in your studio or one thing at a time or something, you know, just to remember it constantly, because this is such a simple thing, but I think this one is really.
For me, I try to constantly remember it. You know, when I have this, of course it's not like a solution, uh, but just, you know, to constantly remind yourself about it. And that's a thing that can become, if you will manage to convince yourself that it's true, because it is also, it's not that hard to convince yourself because it's a more truth than.
And that you using your time in the studio as a negative process? Probably. I think that could be one thing. Also, the things you described that how your ideal studio day would look like you, if you are interested in, does I have a drug command? You can just write it down, you know? It's a creative visualization.
That's called Andy, write it down and then you will see it's really not that hard, but again, if you don't do it, that's important. I think not to pressure yourself and not to feel bad that you are not doing it also. I think you would agree that there will probably, nobody has like an amazing flow. Um, offer creative practice in art, maybe not creative industries, but you know, I think you would agree then, uh, wait, I wrote something else down.
Also, you mentioned this successful date. So here I wanted to, uh, ask you, so what. Could you define them successful day? Is it the same that you connect with other people or constructively work on your projects or there is something else? What do you think? Yes. What I also wanted to discuss maybe here more.
So do you think the word successful is 15 with the things you want to achieve? Is it the success or a successful day? Is it the. Uh, what's the word? Ah, is it the, like the think ache axis off your artistic, but is it the, like the basis? Is it the, uh, attempt to be successful as an artist or to have successful practice?
Is it your main motivation or you think it could be some other word maybe better? Yes, exactly. That's the, uh, that's the point? I think. Eh, using this word, I think is so I think I started second opinion. It's really horrible. And it's a horrible world with horrible meaning. And, uh, because it's like success mostly it's famous, you know, in art.
Uh, it's that it's not meaningful. It's not, uh, uh, life changing. It's not, uh, Oh, can you hear me? I have, it's not, uh, like helping, it's not whatever successes, the famous basically synonym. And it's the, what I observed to doing the successful art project that is just such a, like, such a concept of the future, you know?
So you are constantly on a path to it. To this like fame or whatever, the et cetera, also, uh, such a state that is based on others. You know? So if you are probably, it's not about with like, you. Would now in the moment feel extremely successful and you wouldn't care, but every spank that you are a complete loser, you know, this is not in terms.
So what I would recommend for everybody is to like, just remove this word per se from, you know what I mean, what you're doing. It's really interesting like this. So double narrowability, I think it's very, very, very interesting also. Yes. That's exactly what I was thinking about. That's very, I didn't check your, uh, uh, do you have like a website or something where I could, the local later you can send me an Instagram.
but that doesn't matter.
Yeah, you can send one work or some fat and just interested in, uh, this cause sounds very true. So I would, uh, uh, ask you then this is like a bit forced cause I, uh, could you then. Find some other words, cause you already said one that it could be like touching, uh, others, like about successful artwork maybe.
So what would be the artwork or how would you, how you would like your artistic practice and your being as an artist interact with the world and what kind of effect would you like to make on audience and environment and yourself? Just some words. Maybe emotions early. That would be good. I will ride them.
No, but why not necessarily? This, I, I will read it now to you. Maybe it's good then to hear for you from other person, it's like, you want your artwork to affect people, be caring, minded, expansive questioning some structures, I assume. And white people would enjoy it, but that would start conversations that it would, people would, uh, big, uh, be confused.
But at later than that advice, it would be called like, so these are all really. Amazing and, um, well minded. Yeah, well, mine that goes, and it has nothing to do with success. No, don't you think the things I just read? Uh, so this is very interesting so far. My, my experience again, was the biggest shift when I started to really enjoy what I'm doing and I became much more motivated.
And even self-confident was nothing from like all this constant practice of like repeating affirmation has nothing to do. It was actually this same exercise I saw somewhere. There were, it was about visualizing your goals and like, thinking about your goals and focusing on the emotions you want to feel.
And then I did it like in the successful artist, uh, Roll. And then I was thinking, okay, so what does does my end goal? So how does it look? And then I described it to myself and I was so discussed with myself because I described, I want to be like, basically, um, Well, then I thought I wanted, I wanted to be perceived as someone really talented, really smart, really cool by people.
I don't really like. And like, given particularly I knew what people and where and why, because I felt insecure about some things. So that's why, uh, that's where my motivation was coming from. And that's why I was not doing anything because I was so scared of what they will think. Okay. You know, uh, and then I saw how dumb with this and like, is it really why I'm doing it?
Um, and then I did also, so it was similar to what you just said. It was very similar things. And the other one, instead of that, that's why I'm, I want to be artists. That's why I want to do it. I want to affect give like a, no goosebumps to people, even for one person, if it's okay. Like the way I perceive art, uh, artworks that, uh, I admire the feeling like they made me feel, this is amazing.
That's what I want to do. That's exactly the same, basically what you described. So that's when I understood it, then it became, of course, again, it's not like this, but the motivation became much more easier because I saw why I'm doing it then bedtime seeking more for meaning instead of success. Um, What they fought before.
And that was, I would say the biggest, like shift, if it makes sense. So it's basically just, uh, yeah. Ask yourself why, what are you seeking and what emotions do you want to get? And then it was always recommended in these personal development books and videos and everything. So identified the emotions or here you are.
Uh, well, you said emotions, others would feel, you know, and try to do many small things that, uh, raised these things and others or yourself. So it doesn't have to be one artwork or one project, which is very grand and it was raising all this, um, uh, States and all these questions. It's a bit hard to achieve, but possible of course, but try to do small things, but, uh, That, uh, uh, making people feel that way.
So even caring, you said it doesn't even have to be true art, you know, or socially-minded, doesn't have to be true art always. So if there's things that are important for you just it's always recommended the law of attraction as well. So bring as much of this into your life. And here it's no magic and no universe.
It's simple, right? And they're very obvious, but it really makes a big difference if it makes sense. Um, so if I talk too long, you should be more you're talking, I'm giving the speeches. I'm sorry. Yes. Also everything you said that was about the work and how it affects others. It wasn't about how you would like to be perceived, which is also very.
Uh, nice. You know, so, uh, that's really good. I think because, um, when it comes, you know, you didn't say anything about that. You want to appear as a. Intellectual very reflective, uh, ahead of your time, all of this, you know, by them shifting you, didn't say, which is also very good. So the things you want to do at very.
Yeah, well, mine did. And that's really good. So what I would advise, I can write it to you, even in a message later, just in case you forgot. If you want to try to bring more of these things, uh, to others. And then that will bring you a lot of also I think creative satisfaction, another thing, which is this exercise, I recommend it to everybody who were artists who took part.
So it's the. Uh, you know, there's a very famous gratitude practice to be grateful for whatever, like things, which is very, very good and always very useful, I think, uh, cause it just really shows what we are taking for granted, which is also no magic here. Very nice practice, but uh, For me also, what really made the difference in my mind set was to right then it was 10 things.
I'm grateful for myself as an artist, or it can be 10 things I like about myself as an artist can be also five. You know, if you could name now maybe three or five, it would be very good. But if you don't want, you don't have to. So what you like about yourself as an artist?
Okay. Yes, this is really good now. And it's like, first time you probably think about it that way. No, because I also, I'd never thought about myself and that's good. And I would really recommend writing it down when, not maybe when you feel very down, but when you need some motivation, you know, right. Just these things and it just in the end, it's also then why just to see why you're doing it.
What's important for you. And the things that you are like describing the beginning of the self-sabotage or thinking about the end goal. And I don't know, but I assume that this year it related because end goal is not that the work will not be caring or, uh, it will not affect people, I guess that you are fearing something a bit, the external.
I assume, I don't know. I'm just saying from my own experience, so maybe it's defense for you, but I have this feeling. So it just, you know, it just, I think I would really recommend writing this down and this, uh, often write what you like about yourself as an artist, maybe what you like about yourself as a person with.
I agreed full for yourself, you know, so it's very often, this is gratitude list. So I'm grateful for good for date or nice friends, which is very important and nice, but it's so good. I think to put it to yourself, like giving compliments to yourself, you're not. So I like that. I try to become a better person.
I'm grateful that I chose to do art. That might change something. Even at one person's mind can be many small things, but. It. Well, I guess we'll make you feel better about yourself and more motivated. I think, I hope if, if you want to do that, then, uh, another thing, so it does also does gratitude and then another thing is like, and so also does based on emotion.
So imagining the things you want to do and emotions you want to feel, and then just try to bring these emotions through other. So I said, then that end goal, you know, so if, if you would become, so again, I will use my own example. If I will be a successful performance artist, very like the sellable at art market, I will be very famous and cool, and everyone will want to show my work, but I will feel miserable and unhappy and secure and depressed.
Why then this goal is why I'm I seeking it? You know? So I want something else. I want to feel. That I'm living meaningful life, that my life has purpose that, uh, you know, all of this. So, uh, yeah, just focusing on the emotions you want to feel instead of, um, external, real life, uh, things, if it makes sense.
Okay. That's great. Is there something else you would like to ask or talk about?
No. I want to just suggest that also productive of a word, which I would not recommend to use
the it's just the, uh, also the thing, you know, when. Uh, I never think so. The fact that you already have that studio and you have time and resources to do it also, it's very important to always keep in mind again, from personal example, like I'm such a, like, Have a big WIC, the mindset kind of nothing. I said whole day, like nothing, because I'm doing shit you can imagine.
And then I'm thinking, okay, like I don't have to go to work. I'm just sitting here. And like, this is really my problem now, you know, I can't come up how to perform for like my video work. That's my problem. And that's just like to give a bit more perspective and then. Jesse and not take everything for granted does like very simple things.
And I think DSR from this positive psychology that could be really easily applied. They're not, I think, harmful for mental health. These things are not like, this is like soft, um, just based. Yeah.
Okay. So, uh, could you briefly introduce yourself? Okay.
Yeah, that's all, that's all sounds extremely exciting.
I'm very happy for you.
And, um, is there something particular you would like to talk about today?
Something mindset related or you think where you could want some, uh, guidance
I think the thing you already said, even yourself, you know, you said that success is not equal happiness and that's kind of the thing that you already know.
Also, success might be happiness. It depends on the definition, you know, but the definition we are using most commonly and this kind of thing where it does not, uh, what will bring me joy, you know?
So if you could, for example, define already what success is for you maybe
Or you could say what success was for you, like in that period of time you described.
I think that would be useful to see how the definition can impact our behavior general feeling.
If it makes sense.
Yes, and that's true. And also it's very good because you're already even said this word so that you are looking rather a for fulfillment and feeling that you are contributing instead of success, or maybe just when thinking about it, it would be good to replace, you know, success, word success with the words that I kind of part of it, but actually a more meaningful.
But successful means something else. You know, of course, different people have different definitions, but you know, successful, it's a bit, uh, more famous, you know, uh, kind of then fulfilled that's for sure.
Just maybe when you think about your goals or something about your vision, whatever it would it be good to replace.
It's a more what I would like to not suggest, but also for myself and for you and for everyone is just to completely abandon this word whatsoever, you know, because it does…. you know what I mean? It's just like such an abstract concept, which we, uh, uh, looking for, and we first, but you know, you're already very aware of it, but first, we don't put it like what it means and what comes also from this all personal development, the new way to see.
I think you already answered. So what kind of feelings do success… Success would bring you, you know, If it makes sense?
I'm giving very big speeches. Shouldn't be more about asking you questions…
You are already very aware of an issue and you are able to live in to say that it was the problem, prioritizing work over relationships.
So you already know even what to do exactly. You know, so it's not something like...
And this is again, like, it might be a bit hard to understand, but it is your choice and it was your choice to do it. And of course, it might be influenced of many things, but it was not the how to say unfortunate situation per se. You chose to do it, you know, uh, even though in the end you were, uh, um, negatively affected by it, you know, but now, you know, also that.
You have a choice, which is empowering you not to know that you had the choice to over repeat the same, but now you know that it's also empowerment to know that you have a choice and possibility not to do it. So this I think is good to understand. Also not in a way that like blaming yourself or something, just like, of course, you just didn't know you were confused, whatever it sounds like, you know, from what you said.
Yes. And also, uh, also it's really good because, uh, it's important to understand that this end goal it's also not necessarily happiness, you know, uh, like to have this relationship balanced relationship the way, uh, like the opposite you had before, it doesn't necessarily quote, you will feel happier.
Great. They would be very happy if you do that.
No, no. I mean, yeah. Yeah. But what I just meant to just like to think about that. More, uh, yeah, just for yourself, what you are grateful for. It can also be about your family, your friends. Like if you want, you can write like thousands of things you're grateful for. And I like health-related. You can like put the thing, but I think, um, yeah, just this full put, focus on yourself and be grateful for yourself instead of just focusing on external things, then you will see that.
Uh, also, so if, uh, I don't know, like, even if you're already not, this is not about this conversation, but even like that you are able to articulate the issues you are facing and that you are trying to change some things it's already like, uh, I think you should appreciate yourself for it. It's a good to ride down and then just, you know, a statement because we don't say it kind of, you know, like, Oh, I'm so proud of me.
Don't not really, but, uh, it's good, you know, just to a different way of thinking of it. And if you could do it, uh, regularly, I think it would be like once a week or seven would be very beneficial in the longterm because we become more natural and his friends would just come more often, just like a habit.
You know, there's nothing here. Uh, Mystical. So, yeah, so there were like tips I gave you like this practical, this creative visualization and bringing emotions before together with like self-appreciation gratitude. So these were both with which I saw for myself help the most, you know, So that's kind of why I'm suggesting it to you.
It's not like just out of the, you know, something random, but just what, what the help for me, and I think would be useful for anybody.
Thank you. That's a good topic.So firstly, I think very, it's very important to answer the question. So why you are doing, art and why are you going to the studio or what, why then just, it can be very general, uh, why you chose them to do this?
Okay. No, no, you answered good. Basically what I wanted you to say with this question. Because you do art because you enjoy it and because you want to do it, that's it, you know, and then also what you just said to in my own experience, I guess this negativity comes from...fearing the, what you just mentioned, the end goal and the result of some sorts and, uh, where the process should be.
Uh, of course not should, but could be more important maybe itself, you know? So, uh, there are a few things here. What I could, uh, What I did for myself on that previous performance. And I could, we could do it now like this. Uh Hmm. I'll have to say, so the policy, is it the exercises or the law of attraction a bit.
So how would you then describe the, kind of the idea case when you go there to the studio and you work without this? Uh, self-sabotage without fear of. Uh, not finishing things without fear of making decisions without, uh, feeling that you are. Yeah. He was in your time in a negative way. So what would it be the ideal case for your, could you describe it?
You here? Uh, yes, what's good. I think, but the, you described, so they are not something like a undoable. They're very realistic, you know? So this is already good, I think, but yeah. I was watching this video about coaching. Like sometimes it's some time ago and there they were, there had a very trivial example.
There was this woman. She. Um, had a small jewelry business and she was talking something about necklaces or something. It was really bizarre, like all the conversation they had, but then this coach, she had like basically the, uh, business woman, she had like very similar struggles that you wanted to do so many things, you know, but she didn't know how to do it.
And she was not doing anything in the end. And then this coach was like, I dunno, what was her name like Jacqueline? How many things can you do at once? And she was like only one and that's actually, I thought this is so stupid, but it makes so much sense because I, you know, uh, I also, for example, myself, I tend to think about like very big goals.
Now I want to like do this and this and this. And I want to be already like, uh, I already want to have like good. I don't know, I come up, I want to be like a great performance artists. I don't want to even do things to become it. I want to already be it. And, you know, and say, I'm like, I'm not doing anything in the end when everything it's a combination of many small steps, you know?
So it, I think really fits for you just constantly. I think maybe to remember. That you can do only one thing at once and, Oh, you can write on the wall, uh, in your studio or one thing at a time or something, you know, just to remember it constantly, because this is such a simple thing, but I think this one is really.
For me, I try to constantly remember it. You know, when I have this, of course it's not like a solution, uh, but just, you know, to constantly remind yourself about it. And that's a thing that can become, if you will manage to convince yourself that it's true, because it is also, it's not that hard to convince yourself because it's a more truth than.
And that you using your time in the studio as a negative process? Probably. I think that could be one thing. Also, the things you described that how your ideal studio day would look like you, if you are interested in, does I have a drug command? You can just write it down, you know? It's a creative visualization.
That's called Andy, write it down and then you will see it's really not that hard, but again, if you don't do it, that's important. I think not to pressure yourself and not to feel bad that you are not doing it also. I think you would agree that there will probably, nobody has like an amazing flow. Um, offer creative practice in art, maybe not creative industries, but you know, I think you would agree then, uh, wait, I wrote something else down.
Also, you mentioned this successful date. So here I wanted to, uh, ask you, so what. Could you define them successful day? Is it the same that you connect with other people or constructively work on your projects or there is something else? What do you think? Yes. What I also wanted to discuss maybe here more.
So do you think the word successful is 15 with the things you want to achieve? Is it the success or a successful day? Is it the. Uh, what's the word? Ah, is it the, like the think ache axis off your artistic, but is it the, like the basis? Is it the, uh, attempt to be successful as an artist or to have successful practice?
Is it your main motivation or you think it could be some other word maybe better? Yes, exactly. That's the, uh, that's the point? I think. Eh, using this word, I think is so I think I started second opinion. It's really horrible. And it's a horrible world with horrible meaning. And, uh, because it's like success mostly it's famous, you know, in art.
Uh, it's that it's not meaningful. It's not, uh, uh, life changing. It's not, uh, Oh, can you hear me? I have, it's not, uh, like helping, it's not whatever successes, the famous basically synonym. And it's the, what I observed to doing the successful art project that is just such a, like, such a concept of the future, you know?
So you are constantly on a path to it. To this like fame or whatever, the et cetera, also, uh, such a state that is based on others. You know? So if you are probably, it's not about with like, you. Would now in the moment feel extremely successful and you wouldn't care, but every spank that you are a complete loser, you know, this is not in terms.
So what I would recommend for everybody is to like, just remove this word per se from, you know what I mean, what you're doing. It's really interesting like this. So double narrowability, I think it's very, very, very interesting also. Yes. That's exactly what I was thinking about. That's very, I didn't check your, uh, uh, do you have like a website or something where I could, the local later you can send me an Instagram.
but that doesn't matter.
Yeah, you can send one work or some fat and just interested in, uh, this cause sounds very true. So I would, uh, uh, ask you then this is like a bit forced cause I, uh, could you then. Find some other words, cause you already said one that it could be like touching, uh, others, like about successful artwork maybe.
So what would be the artwork or how would you, how you would like your artistic practice and your being as an artist interact with the world and what kind of effect would you like to make on audience and environment and yourself? Just some words. Maybe emotions early. That would be good. I will ride them.
No, but why not necessarily? This, I, I will read it now to you. Maybe it's good then to hear for you from other person, it's like, you want your artwork to affect people, be caring, minded, expansive questioning some structures, I assume. And white people would enjoy it, but that would start conversations that it would, people would, uh, big, uh, be confused.
But at later than that advice, it would be called like, so these are all really. Amazing and, um, well minded. Yeah, well, mine that goes, and it has nothing to do with success. No, don't you think the things I just read? Uh, so this is very interesting so far. My, my experience again, was the biggest shift when I started to really enjoy what I'm doing and I became much more motivated.
And even self-confident was nothing from like all this constant practice of like repeating affirmation has nothing to do. It was actually this same exercise I saw somewhere. There were, it was about visualizing your goals and like, thinking about your goals and focusing on the emotions you want to feel.
And then I did it like in the successful artist, uh, Roll. And then I was thinking, okay, so what does does my end goal? So how does it look? And then I described it to myself and I was so discussed with myself because I described, I want to be like, basically, um, Well, then I thought I wanted, I wanted to be perceived as someone really talented, really smart, really cool by people.
I don't really like. And like, given particularly I knew what people and where and why, because I felt insecure about some things. So that's why, uh, that's where my motivation was coming from. And that's why I was not doing anything because I was so scared of what they will think. Okay. You know, uh, and then I saw how dumb with this and like, is it really why I'm doing it?
Um, and then I did also, so it was similar to what you just said. It was very similar things. And the other one, instead of that, that's why I'm, I want to be artists. That's why I want to do it. I want to affect give like a, no goosebumps to people, even for one person, if it's okay. Like the way I perceive art, uh, artworks that, uh, I admire the feeling like they made me feel, this is amazing.
That's what I want to do. That's exactly the same, basically what you described. So that's when I understood it, then it became, of course, again, it's not like this, but the motivation became much more easier because I saw why I'm doing it then bedtime seeking more for meaning instead of success. Um, What they fought before.
And that was, I would say the biggest, like shift, if it makes sense. So it's basically just, uh, yeah. Ask yourself why, what are you seeking and what emotions do you want to get? And then it was always recommended in these personal development books and videos and everything. So identified the emotions or here you are.
Uh, well, you said emotions, others would feel, you know, and try to do many small things that, uh, raised these things and others or yourself. So it doesn't have to be one artwork or one project, which is very grand and it was raising all this, um, uh, States and all these questions. It's a bit hard to achieve, but possible of course, but try to do small things, but, uh, That, uh, uh, making people feel that way.
So even caring, you said it doesn't even have to be true art, you know, or socially-minded, doesn't have to be true art always. So if there's things that are important for you just it's always recommended the law of attraction as well. So bring as much of this into your life. And here it's no magic and no universe.
It's simple, right? And they're very obvious, but it really makes a big difference if it makes sense. Um, so if I talk too long, you should be more you're talking, I'm giving the speeches. I'm sorry. Yes. Also everything you said that was about the work and how it affects others. It wasn't about how you would like to be perceived, which is also very.
Uh, nice. You know, so, uh, that's really good. I think because, um, when it comes, you know, you didn't say anything about that. You want to appear as a. Intellectual very reflective, uh, ahead of your time, all of this, you know, by them shifting you, didn't say, which is also very good. So the things you want to do at very.
Yeah, well, mine did. And that's really good. So what I would advise, I can write it to you, even in a message later, just in case you forgot. If you want to try to bring more of these things, uh, to others. And then that will bring you a lot of also I think creative satisfaction, another thing, which is this exercise, I recommend it to everybody who were artists who took part.
So it's the. Uh, you know, there's a very famous gratitude practice to be grateful for whatever, like things, which is very, very good and always very useful, I think, uh, cause it just really shows what we are taking for granted, which is also no magic here. Very nice practice, but uh, For me also, what really made the difference in my mind set was to right then it was 10 things.
I'm grateful for myself as an artist, or it can be 10 things I like about myself as an artist can be also five. You know, if you could name now maybe three or five, it would be very good. But if you don't want, you don't have to. So what you like about yourself as an artist?
Okay. Yes, this is really good now. And it's like, first time you probably think about it that way. No, because I also, I'd never thought about myself and that's good. And I would really recommend writing it down when, not maybe when you feel very down, but when you need some motivation, you know, right. Just these things and it just in the end, it's also then why just to see why you're doing it.
What's important for you. And the things that you are like describing the beginning of the self-sabotage or thinking about the end goal. And I don't know, but I assume that this year it related because end goal is not that the work will not be caring or, uh, it will not affect people, I guess that you are fearing something a bit, the external.
I assume, I don't know. I'm just saying from my own experience, so maybe it's defense for you, but I have this feeling. So it just, you know, it just, I think I would really recommend writing this down and this, uh, often write what you like about yourself as an artist, maybe what you like about yourself as a person with.
I agreed full for yourself, you know, so it's very often, this is gratitude list. So I'm grateful for good for date or nice friends, which is very important and nice, but it's so good. I think to put it to yourself, like giving compliments to yourself, you're not. So I like that. I try to become a better person.
I'm grateful that I chose to do art. That might change something. Even at one person's mind can be many small things, but. It. Well, I guess we'll make you feel better about yourself and more motivated. I think, I hope if, if you want to do that, then, uh, another thing, so it does also does gratitude and then another thing is like, and so also does based on emotion.
So imagining the things you want to do and emotions you want to feel, and then just try to bring these emotions through other. So I said, then that end goal, you know, so if, if you would become, so again, I will use my own example. If I will be a successful performance artist, very like the sellable at art market, I will be very famous and cool, and everyone will want to show my work, but I will feel miserable and unhappy and secure and depressed.
Why then this goal is why I'm I seeking it? You know? So I want something else. I want to feel. That I'm living meaningful life, that my life has purpose that, uh, you know, all of this. So, uh, yeah, just focusing on the emotions you want to feel instead of, um, external, real life, uh, things, if it makes sense.
Okay. That's great. Is there something else you would like to ask or talk about?
No. I want to just suggest that also productive of a word, which I would not recommend to use
the it's just the, uh, also the thing, you know, when. Uh, I never think so. The fact that you already have that studio and you have time and resources to do it also, it's very important to always keep in mind again, from personal example, like I'm such a, like, Have a big WIC, the mindset kind of nothing. I said whole day, like nothing, because I'm doing shit you can imagine.
And then I'm thinking, okay, like I don't have to go to work. I'm just sitting here. And like, this is really my problem now, you know, I can't come up how to perform for like my video work. That's my problem. And that's just like to give a bit more perspective and then. Jesse and not take everything for granted does like very simple things.
And I think DSR from this positive psychology that could be really easily applied. They're not, I think, harmful for mental health. These things are not like, this is like soft, um, just based. Yeah.
Okay. So, uh, could you briefly introduce yourself? Okay.
Yeah, that's all, that's all sounds extremely exciting.
I'm very happy for you.
And, um, is there something particular you would like to talk about today?
Something mindset related or you think where you could want some, uh, guidance
I think the thing you already said, even yourself, you know, you said that success is not equal happiness and that's kind of the thing that you already know.
Also, success might be happiness. It depends on the definition, you know, but the definition we are using most commonly and this kind of thing where it does not, uh, what will bring me joy, you know?
So if you could, for example, define already what success is for you maybe
Or you could say what success was for you, like in that period of time you described.
I think that would be useful to see how the definition can impact our behavior general feeling.
If it makes sense.
Yes, and that's true. And also it's very good because you're already even said this word so that you are looking rather a for fulfillment and feeling that you are contributing instead of success, or maybe just when thinking about it, it would be good to replace, you know, success, word success with the words that I kind of part of it, but actually a more meaningful.
But successful means something else. You know, of course, different people have different definitions, but you know, successful, it's a bit, uh, more famous, you know, uh, kind of then fulfilled that's for sure.
Just maybe when you think about your goals or something about your vision, whatever it would it be good to replace.
It's a more what I would like to not suggest, but also for myself and for you and for everyone is just to completely abandon this word whatsoever, you know, because it does…. you know what I mean? It's just like such an abstract concept, which we, uh, uh, looking for, and we first, but you know, you're already very aware of it, but first, we don't put it like what it means and what comes also from this all personal development, the new way to see.
I think you already answered. So what kind of feelings do success… Success would bring you, you know, If it makes sense?
I'm giving very big speeches. Shouldn't be more about asking you questions…
You are already very aware of an issue and you are able to live in to say that it was the problem, prioritizing work over relationships.
So you already know even what to do exactly. You know, so it's not something like...
And this is again, like, it might be a bit hard to understand, but it is your choice and it was your choice to do it. And of course, it might be influenced of many things, but it was not the how to say unfortunate situation per se. You chose to do it, you know, uh, even though in the end you were, uh, um, negatively affected by it, you know, but now, you know, also that.
You have a choice, which is empowering you not to know that you had the choice to over repeat the same, but now you know that it's also empowerment to know that you have a choice and possibility not to do it. So this I think is good to understand. Also not in a way that like blaming yourself or something, just like, of course, you just didn't know you were confused, whatever it sounds like, you know, from what you said.
Yes. And also, uh, also it's really good because, uh, it's important to understand that this end goal it's also not necessarily happiness, you know, uh, like to have this relationship balanced relationship the way, uh, like the opposite you had before, it doesn't necessarily quote, you will feel happier.
Great. They would be very happy if you do that.
No, no. I mean, yeah. Yeah. But what I just meant to just like to think about that. More, uh, yeah, just for yourself, what you are grateful for. It can also be about your family, your friends. Like if you want, you can write like thousands of things you're grateful for. And I like health-related. You can like put the thing, but I think, um, yeah, just this full put, focus on yourself and be grateful for yourself instead of just focusing on external things, then you will see that.
Uh, also, so if, uh, I don't know, like, even if you're already not, this is not about this conversation, but even like that you are able to articulate the issues you are facing and that you are trying to change some things it's already like, uh, I think you should appreciate yourself for it. It's a good to ride down and then just, you know, a statement because we don't say it kind of, you know, like, Oh, I'm so proud of me.
Don't not really, but, uh, it's good, you know, just to a different way of thinking of it. And if you could do it, uh, regularly, I think it would be like once a week or seven would be very beneficial in the longterm because we become more natural and his friends would just come more often, just like a habit.
You know, there's nothing here. Uh, Mystical. So, yeah, so there were like tips I gave you like this practical, this creative visualization and bringing emotions before together with like self-appreciation gratitude. So these were both with which I saw for myself help the most, you know, So that's kind of why I'm suggesting it to you.
It's not like just out of the, you know, something random, but just what, what the help for me, and I think would be useful for anybody.